Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 2008 Newsletter


One of the aspects of gardens that is being discussed more and more is the idea of using native plants in the landscape. This falls under the heading of LEED, Sustainable Sites and other “green” concepts. Whatever the reason, people are more aware of the benefits of including native plants. These plants offer a better success rate because they are acclimated to the area and typically require less water that exotics (non-natives). There needs to be regional data bases that are a resource for the consumer. One site worth visiting is which promotes the use of natives in the landscape.


A study conducted and published in Georgia Urban Forestry “Shady-Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities, Healthy People”, (2004) indicates that shoppers will stay longer in plazas that have trees. Well, it should not be too much of a stretch to include parks, patios and even our own yard. We know that trees offer protection from the sun, are up to 10 degrees cooler underneath the canopy, increase property values and purify the air we breathe. Adding trees to the landscape might just help increase socialization by making people stop and visit a little while longer.


Deadheading is the gardening practice of removing spent flowers and seedpods. This is done for aesthetic reasons—keeping the dead flowers from detracting from the garden. Deadheading can also stimulate some plants to keep blooming longer, such as Stella de Oro daylilies, Knock-out shrub roses. Remember to leave the foliage and just remove the flowers. However, some plants, like Coneflowers, that retain their spent flowers are attractive to birds and butterflies as a food source. Prune wisely.


The 11th annual bird census takes place between February 15 thru the 18th this year. You can participate by going to for more information. The web site contains a checklist of species.


Ergonomic comfort grips are a help to any gardener who is affected by arthritis or limited hand strength. The grips are neoprene pads that offer additional gripping support. They can be used on rakes, wheel barrow handles and other gardening tools. They are available from Gardener’s Supply at 1-888-833-1412 or


A note pad is not a bad thing to carry along as you travel about. It can be useful to remind you of a particular ornamental trees and shrubs we may want to add to our garden. Redbud, Fragrant Spice Viburnum, Magnolia and Cherry are just a few examples of some of the early blooming plants. These trees are great because they have a fragrance that will welcome you into the yard.


Creating a bird friendly environment in your yard will help attract these winged friends to stay longer. Some general guidelines include eliminating pesticides, making sure that cats are not attacking the birds along with creating the right mix of food, water, shelter and a place to build a nest in your yard. This involves incorporating feeders, birdhouses, birdbaths and plants. Evergreen and deciduous trees provide a place where birds can perch, sleep for the night, hide from predators and escape bad weather. The National Audubon Society’s publication “The Audubon Society Guide to Attracting Birds” offers helpful information.

FEB 2nd

Ground Hog Day marks the middle of winter. After Feb. 2nd we are half way to spring. The significance of the day is not so much whether the ground hog sees his shadow, he is actually waking up to find a mate. The date marks six more weeks of winter. Take heart - March 20th is not that far away!

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
-- Margaret Atwood

Green is great in 2008!